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Focused and On Fire: The Athlete’s Guide to Mental Training & Kicking Butt by Lisa Mitzel

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Focused and On Fire is a fresh, smart, and moving book. Coach Lisa Mitzel takes readers into real athlete stories, the highs and lows, and pinpoints difficulties and how to change them from the inside, step by step. Confronting battles is part of the journey in reaching goals.

Lisa shares stories from her own experiences with injuries, surgeries, psychological fears, and setbacks. She fought her fears and overcame all of it to win championships. As a coach and mental training expert, she teaches methods to manage doubt, distraction, fear, pressure, and how to manifest success.

Included in the book are core mental skills (breathing, relaxing, positive self-talk, visualization, recall, and concentration) critical mindsets (like volition, expectancy, present-moment awareness, acceptance, letting go, and resilience), simple exercises, true inspiring stories of athlete-clients and teams who overcame challenges, and fun illustrations that enhance Lisa’s powerful messages. Readers will learn self-awareness, higher-mind thinking, and the practice of believing that anything is possible.

This book is a rare gem, and kids and parents can read and practice the tools together. You have incredible inner power…use it!

Published: September 2018
172 pages, Paperback
Price: $19.95 USD

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