Care Instructions

The Mental Power Station™ mats are for light use only: sitting or lying down, standing barefoot, or in socks. The mats can attach to a wall with the included Command™ Velcro strips, or be placed on a flat hard surface for mental training and moments of meditation. The mats are not intended for activities like jumping, wrestling, or walking/running on them in shoes. To care for your equipment, do not leave it outside or in direct sunlight for long periods of time. No improper use (i.e., anything other than its recommended use). 

For cleaning, we recommend wiping down with a damp cloth and water with diluted dish soap—no harsh chemicals. Avoid alcohol-based cleaners. Organic, yoga mat cleaners are ideal. 

Practicing mental exercises fosters emotional intelligence in children and enhances their mental health. Our Mental Power Station® is intended to help kids manage challenges, increase confidence, and be more resilient when times are tough. Read our full disclaimer.



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