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Focused and Inspired: Keeping Our Athletes Safe in a Win-at-All-Costs World by Lisa Mitzel

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Focused and Inspired is a shining light in the urgent need to change our sports culture. Athletes are tough, yet they feel nervous, frustrated, and confused. When a coach blames or shames, that negativity sticks in their minds, and frequent feelings of vulnerability increase abuse in sports. To thrive and be healthy, athletes need to feel intelligent, valued, and safe! Mental training coach, Lisa Mitzel, steps forward with crucial skills in emotional intelligence and forming a power-balance. For every coach, parent, and leader in athletics, heighten your awareness, make meaningful connections, and awaken a new sports era that is wise, successful, and safe!

“A revolutionary book to identify and prevent abuse in sports, and value the athlete’s voice, daily, on the path to success.”
—Steve Kerr, 3-Time NBA Champion Head Coach, Golden State Warriors

“Lisa is a beautiful and eloquent writer, whose message speaks loudly through her insight and years of experience. This book tackles not just the important issue of safety in sports, but also transcends safety in today’s human culture. A must-read for everyone.”
—Marcia Frederick, 1st FEMALE WORLD GYMNASTICS CHAMPION, OLYMPIAN, GYMNASTICS HALL OF FAME, Congressional Medal recipient, Sister Survivor of Abuse

Published: September 2018
150 pages, Paperback
Price: $16.95 USD

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