The Zen Tiger Mind Story
I was coaching a few clinics at a gymnastics club in L.A. and, like every gym where I’ve given coach and parent seminars, this group was concerned about their kids’ ability to perform and their level of stress. The kids didn’t feel confident, they were anxious, and unable to relax and perform well. I said, “Raise your hand if you write down your child’s scores at the meets.” All of the parents sheepishly raised their hands and one mom gasped, “I even write down other kids’ scores!” I smiled and asked, “Who talks about your child’s scores?” Again, they all nodded and raised their hands. Nearby, the coaches did too. I walked about thirty feet across the gym where I saw—on the wall—all the State and Regional meet scores for every child on the team. Good or bad, the results were hanging on the wall for everyone to see.
I explained that when you focus on results, you create pressure. And when you talk about results, you add to your kids’ already nervous feelings. I asked, “Where does it say on the wall, “It’s okay to make mistakes? or I am calm and patient? or Take a breath, relax, everything will be okay?” For every child or gymnast who wants to achieve, they must practice slowing down and feeling calm and supported in their training environment. They must practice talking to themselves positively many times and listening to their own voice. Coaches and parents cannot be bystanders. They need to slow down, too, and lead the practice.
That day, I knew I had an idea. And as a mental training coach, I knew there was a need. So in 2021, coinciding with the Olympics and Simone Biles stepping away from competition due to mental health reasons, I decided to create a product that would help kids and adults, and go on the wall in gyms. That idea evolved into the Mental Power Station™. Now, with simple mental exercises on small mats, easy equipment to put up and take down from the wall and move around the gym, kids and teens can integrate mental exercises into daily training. And coaches and parents have the tools and language to guide them.
The vision is expanding to other sports, activity centers, and schools. Our products are human-centered and, when used frequently, can enhance a child’s mental health.

Practicing mental exercises fosters emotional intelligence in children and enhances their mental health. Our Mental Power Station® is intended to help kids manage challenges, increase confidence, and be more resilient when times are tough. Read our full disclaimer.
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