
The Mental Power Station™ is instructional, mental training equipment that promotes mental health and positive training in education environments. The equipment offers tools and language for coaches and teachers to help others develop thinking and calming skills and guide individuals through challenges; the equipment offers simple exercises to use daily or weekly to increase self-awareness, positive thoughts and feelings, visualizing techniques, and the ability to improve focus and boost confidence and achievement. Frequent practice shows clear evidence that individuals can reduce stress, tension, confusion, nervousness, and fear, and learn to work through challenges quicker. 

Zen Tiger Mind does not claim that the Mental Power Station™ or any other company products will cure psychological, emotional, or behavioral problems, or mental health issues, change or eradicate abusive behavior, or replace the work of sports psychologists and mental training coaches, counselors, or therapists. 

Practicing mental exercises fosters emotional intelligence in children and enhances their mental health. Our Mental Power Station® is intended to help kids manage challenges, increase confidence, and be more resilient when times are tough. Read our full disclaimer.



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