Tackling the Youth Mental Health Crisis with Child-Centered Coaching
Tackling the Youth Mental Health Crisis with Child-Centered Coaching by Lisa Mitzel, President, Zen Tiger Mind All over the globe in child activity centers, staff members are gradually being required to support children’s mental health. Including sports like gymnastics, swim, and dance, the main strategy is to use a child-centered approach. What does that mean? Well, while the adult is instructing, the child is given choices, they get to make decisions, and their feelings matter. It’s great, because there are big benefits! This approach boosts mental health in learning environments and helps children develop self-drive. That’s right! The reason we’re talking about it now is because the timing is rather urgent. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says, “Far too many young people are struggling with their mental health and unable to get the support they need. We all have a role to play in supporting youth mental health and creating a world where young people thrive.” What are the Issues? Use these 7 Points of Autonomy-Supportive Coaching recommended by psychologists, sport psychologists, and doctors. For Owners, Managers, and Staff The 7 points of Autonomy are for leaders and staff, too! Your mental health is imperative. Everyone will be more successful when the leader looks through the lens of their staff members’ eyes. Also, leaders will see more excited and responsive employees when they create a partnership instead of a dictatorship. When you join in open conversations, make interactions feel equal, safe and respectful. Learn from each other and acknowledge each other’s feelings. Everyone’s feelings matter. This autonomy style in the workplace produces more motivation and self-drive than any “firm hand” ever will. Feeling Valued Matters The focus of kids’ mental health issues is no longer an individual’s responsibility – instead the focus is on community solutions. With the child-centered approach, kids will be more self-driven as they assert their voices, make decisions and learn to trust themselves. At Zen Tiger Mind, we’ve designed a new mental health training program to teach you how to apply this healthy approach starting in 2025. We invite you to contact us and check it out! As we build the next generation, we want both instructors and children to feel empowered to make choices and feel fully invested every day. Join us and participate, you are essential to the children. And child activity centers can be champions for youth mental health.