How Mindfulness Training Can Give Young Athletes an Edge While Competing

by Lisa Mitzel, President, Zen Tiger Mind

Training young athletes to give it their all when the moment comes is more difficult than training an adult to do the same. After all, they’re still learning how to learn, figuring out what works best for them, and taking a mix of advice from the world around them about how to navigate their biggest obstacles. It is never too late to allow them the opportunity to look deep within themselves to see what methods are actually working, and where their strengths truly lie. One key to making this happen is to concentrate on the mind, not just through typical methods like meditation (which can help!) but through training young athletes in the act of mindfulness. Here are some ways that mindfulness training can give young athletes an edge.

Presence of Mind Means Presence of Body

Focusing on the mind, how it works, and what thoughts are entering their heads, young athletes have a great opportunity for figuring out where and why they feel how they do. Knowing where you are mentally means the opportunity to then dig into how that affects you physically. One key way is finding out the source of “the yips,” which is always internal, and always expressed physically. Targeted training of one’s own mind means the physical follow-up will become second nature.

Reduced Stress Means Increased Focus

Focus is huge for all of us, and for athletes, there’s little more important than making sure all of your energy is used efficiently, on the task at hand. Mindfulness training is inherently meditative – and often includes traditional meditation techniques – meaning that is intended to reduce stress. The less stress a young athlete has to deal with means the greater their focus will be, quickly and noticeably increasing their effectiveness on the field.

Training is Training

Mindfulness training is not “taking a break,” other than physically. It is, in fact, equally important to physical training, as it makes the latter even more of a breeze for a young athlete. Young minds thrive on the answer to “why,” and giving them the keys to answering their own internal questions means increased confidence, lower stress, and greater focus. Mindfulness training can and should go hand-in-hand with their physical training.

Time is Key

Mindfulness training – like any training – can’t be rushed. And just like any good training, it should start early. The sooner you start allowing a young athlete to learn about their own focus and internal blocks, the sooner they will translate this to loosening up and concentrating on the task at hand at the same time. As long as you allow it time to take hold, and continue mindfulness training, it will be hugely effective.

Mental Power Station

The methods laid out in Zen Tiger Mind’s Mental Power Station are a combination of traditional methods and new methods designed to increase game day focus and concentrate on a young athlete’s mental health at the same time. It is the next generation of sports training for all ages.


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