The Launch
by Lisa Mitzel

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Mental Power Station™ has become real. In the last three years, a raw idea of positive messages on a wall evolved into a clear vision of mental training equipment. And now my new business, Zen Tiger Mind, is officially launching this month! We are now selling our brand new feature product, the Mental Power (MP) Station. A banner, guidebook, and 4 originally designed mats with meaningful animal characters, mental exercises, and to add to that, Mental Power Journals for athletes and kids.
Using the MP Station is a daily practice, a mental practice to get through struggles, feel calm and in control, and confident. It’s a “thinking and calming” station that is nothing short of master-level training for kids and teens because they do both – mental training to focus and perform great, and easy practices for mental health and wellness. Plus, the mats are incredible tools for adults. Coaches now have available language to guide children in sports. Mental exercises to repeat during practice and get through challenges. And the ability to power the mind together.
It’s important to me that as I launch the business with my team, that our equipment, products, and people exude warmth, professionalism, and compassion for every human being. We are here for you. I welcome each of you with children, or working for the benefit of young people, to notice. Notice that in the “rush of life”, task after task, achieving this and that, if your kids know how to take a breath and release stress, do they know how to feel calm, centered and focused? When they learn to talk to themselves with positive encouraging words, it’s true, they will create new thought patterns and habits. They will even practice words of self-love. Daily, mental practice produces a feeling of control and even inner power. Do you want to model it for them? Maybe you’ll do it together.
In one week, we will be at USA Gymnastics National Congress and Tradeshow in Tampa, FL. And at the end of August, we’ll be at USAG Region 1 Congress in San Jose, CA. I’ll be giving demonstrations and I plan to get a lot of orders.
It is a thrill and a pleasure to introduce to you Zen Tiger Mind! Innovative equipment and products for mental training and mental health.
Playing sports is tough, and life can be overwhelming. But say to your kids each day, “Just breathe… All the power is inside you.” Soon, they will feel that power and they will be telling themselves.